
Active Learning

4 Exemplary

3 Successful

2 Insufficient

1 Unsatisfactory

The student actively engages with the learning process by demonstrating most if not of all of these habits, almost all the time: setting goals, persisting through challenges, seeking feedback, reflecting on the process, and implementing feedback and reflections in future performances. The student also practices proactive problem-solving strategies by seeking out answers and information before asking for help, from investigation of course concepts to navigation and troubleshooting within an online environment. While there is room for growth, the student is overall a highly-motivated, autonomous, and self-sufficient learner who can experience success due to these habits. The student may be considered a role model when it comes to this behavior.

The student engages with the learning process by often demonstrating a number of these habits: setting goals, persisting through challenges, seeking feedback, reflecting on the process, and implementing feedback and reflections in future performances. The student often seeks out answers and information before asking for help, from investigation of course concepts to navigation and troubleshooting within an online environment. The student shows growth in one or more of the following areas: motivation, autonomy, or self-sufficiency. There is may also be some room for substantial growth in one of these areas, but any gaps are not major impediments to success.

The student sometimes engages with the learning process by doing one or part of the following tasks: setting goals, persisting through challenges, seeking feedback, reflecting on the process, or implementing feedback and reflections in future performances. The student does not regularly seek out answers and information before asking for help, and may need to be pursued by the instructor and peers. The student may occasionally query to better investigate course concepts or to navigate and troubleshoot issues within the online environment. Motivation, autonomy, or self-sufficiency is occasionally apparent in some work, but the behavior is not consistent nor a habit. Extrinsic motivation (the teacher, deadlines, reminders, etc.) are the motivators rather than internal guidelines and habits. There is room for the student to grow significantly in a number of these areas so that the student can experience increased success with learning.

The student struggles to actively engage with the learning process. There is little evidence that the student is doing any or much for the following: setting goals, persisting through challenges, seeking feedback, reflecting on the process, and implementing feedback and reflections in future performances. The student is not proactive in seeking out answers or asking for help, in troubleshooting issues, or in querying about course concepts.

Exit Slip



Submitted Exit Slip

Did not submit Exit Slip

Submission Template

4 Exemplary

3 Successful

2 Insufficient

1 Unsatisfactory

Students throughly answered all questions in the submission template document.

Students answered all questions in the submission template document.

Students partially answered questions in the submission template document.

Students did not answer questions in the submission template document.

Python File

5 Completed

3 Partial

1 Incomplete

Completed Python Activity

Partially completed Python activity

Did not complete Python Activity

Last updated