
Problem 1

Create another menu item called

print("E - Convert Euros")

Currently 1 Euro equals 1.14 USD.

Print the equivalent amount of money in USD. Enter Euros and test several amounts.

Problem 2

Create another menu item called

print("C - Convert Bitcoin")

Currently 1 Bitcoin equals 3407 USD.

Print the equivalent amount of money in USD. Enter Bitcoins and test several amounts.

Problem 3

Create another menu item called

print("R - Robux")

Currently 1 USD equals 80 Robux.

Print the equivalent amount of money in Robux.

Problem 4

Create another menu item called

print("SUM - Sum numbers")

Using a while loop, ask the user how many minutes they’ve studied this month until the user enters -1.

Print the sum.

Problem 5

Create another menu item called

print("F - Factorial")

The notation n! Represents the factorial of a nonnegative number n. The factorial of n is the product of all the nonnegative integers 1 to n.

For example, 5! = 5 4 3 2 1 = 120.

Use a while loop to calculate the factorial of that number. Print the factorial.

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