for loop - range (two arguments)


After working through this lesson, you’ll be able to

  • Write Python code using the for loop using the range function with two arguments.

Introductory Problem

Using a for loop, print numbers 0 - 6
done = False
while not done:
    print("I - Introductory Problem")
    print("Q - Quit")
    choice = input("Choice: ")
    if choice == "I":
        print("Introductory Problem")
        for x in range(7):
    elif choice == "Q":
        print("Exiting Game!")
        done = True

for loop

With two arguments in the range function, the sequence starts at the first value and ends one before the second argument.

Programmers usexorias a stepper variable.


Example 1

Use a for loop to print numbers from 1 to 6.
done = False
while not done:
    print("E1 - Example 1")
    print("Q - Quit")
    choice = input("Choice: ")
    if choice == "E1":
        print("Example 1")
        for x in range(1,7):
    elif choice == "Q":
        print("Exiting Game!")
        done = True

Example 1 Output

Example 2

Using a for loop, create a table to show the numbers -5 to 5 and their squares. Create a header:

done = False
while not done:
    print("E2 - Example 2")
    print("Q - Quit")
    choice = input("Choice: ")
    if choice == "E2":
        print("Example 2")
        for x in range(-5,6):
    elif choice == "Q":
        print("Exiting Game!")
        done = True

Example 2 Output

Example 3

Ask the user for a range, meaning a minimum and maximum, of numbers . Determine how many numbers are divisible by a number within that range. Divisible means capable of being divided by another number without a remainder. How many questions do you need to ask? Hint: use the modulus operator %.
done = False
while not done:
    print("E3 - Example 3")
    print("Q - Quit")
    choice = input("Choice: ")
    if choice == "E3":
        print("Example 3")
        count = 0
        min = int(input("Min: "))
        max = int(input("Max: "))
        divisible = int(input("Divisible: "))
        for x in range(min,max+1):
            if x % divisible == 0:
                count = count + 1
    elif choice == "Q":
        print("Exiting Game!")
        done = True

Example 3 Output

Example output if you choose 5 for the minimum, 10 for the maximum and divisible of 2.

Example 4

From yesterday’s lesson, using a for loop, ask the user for 5 integers. Print the third input.
done = False
while not done:
    print("E4 - Example 4")
    print("Q - Quit")
    choice = input("Choice: ")
    if choice == "E4":
        for x in range(5):
            num = int(input("Number: "))
            if x == 2:
                third = num
        print("Third Number:",third)
    elif choice == "Q":
        print("Exiting Game!")
        done = True

Example 4 Output

Example output if you choose the numbers 10, 3, 4, 11 and 3.

Combined Examples

done = False
while not done:
    print("E1 - Example 1")
    print("E2 - Example 2")
    print("E3 - Example 3")
    print("E4 - Example 4")
    print("Q - Quit")
    choice = input("Choice: ")
    if choice == "E1":
        print("Example 1")
        for x in range(1,7):
    elif choice == "E2":
        print("Example 2")
        for x in range(-5,6):
    elif choice == "E3":
        print("Example 3")
        count = 0
        min = int(input("Min: "))
        max = int(input("Max: "))
        divisible = int(input("Divisible: "))
        for x in range(min,max+1):
            if x % divisible == 0:
                count = count + 1
    elif choice == "E4":
        for x in range(5):
            num = int(input("Number: "))
            if x == 2:
                third = num
        print("Third Number:",third)
    elif choice == "Q":
        print("Exiting Game!")
        done = True

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