Video Lecture
List Functions and Operators
list_name = [] | Creates an empty list |
list_name = [1,2,3,4,5] | A list with elements 1,2,3,4,5 |
list_name[0] | Access the first element of the list |
list_name[x-1] | Access the x element of the list |
len(list_name) | Returns the number of elements in list. Useful when using a for loop and the range function. |
sum(list_name) | Computes the sum of the values in list. |
min(list_name) | Returns the minimum value in list. |
max(list_name) | Returns the maximum value in list. |
list_name.pop() | Removes the last element from list. |
list_name.pop(position) | Removes element from the list from the given position. All elements following are moved up one place. |
list_name.insert(position, element) | Inserts the element at the given position in the list. All elements at and following the given position are moved down. |
list_name.append(element) | Appends the element to the end of the list. |
list_name.index(element) | Returns the position of a given element in the list. The element must be in the list. |
list_name.remove(element) | Removes the given element from the list and moves all elements following it up one position. |
list_name.del(position) | Removes the element from the list by the given position. |
list_name.sort() | Sorts the elements in the list from smallest to largest. |
item in list_name | Returns true if item is found in the list or false otherwise. |
Loop through a list
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